Unit 143 Board Meeting Minutes Rev 2   

November 12, 2008

Vice President Suzi Shymanski Moore called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Present were Board members Bob Janis, Bob Wheeler, Jane Ettelson, Ed Hale, Debbie Romero, Bill Bunn, Bobby Riggs, Carl Clyne, Carole Benkelman, and Jackie Baker. Absent were Board members Donna Pedrotti and Steve Zenk. Also present was Mike Carmen.

October Minutes

The October minutes were approved.

Corresponding Secretary's Report

John Samsel notified ACBL to list Jack Bryant as Business Manager. This allows Jack to download information from the ACBL data base directly to the Unit 143 data base. This will eliminate the need to manually make monthly changes to the data base.

The 2008 POTY report was updated to include results of the Oct. 5 th and Nov 2 nd Unit Games and the October Sectional Tournament. The report was e-mailed to Milt Zlatic and Sheryl Finkenstadt for posting on the unit website.

Sanctions were requested and received for Donna Coker's 2009 Eight Is Enough Unit games.

Jack requested information concerning new officers, committee assignments and e-mail addresses for the new Board members. Bob Wheeler will e-mail the information to Jack.

Treasurer's Report

Bob Janis provided a copy of the Unit 143 balance sheet as of October 31, 2008. This showed a balance of $15,639 in the checking account. The unit has $41,166 in current assets. The report shows a profit of $2, 220 for the month of October 2008. The report does not reflect expenses for the date books and prepayment for the meeting room at Olivette and Blanchette Park.


New Members

Jackie Baker, Carole Benkelman, Bill Bunn and Bobby Riggs were welcomed to the Board as new members .

Election of Officers

Suzi Shymanski Moore was elected President of Unit 143

Donna Pedrotti was elected Vice President of Unit 143.

Bob Janis was reelected as Treasurer of Unit 143

Bob Wheeler was reelected as Secretary of Unit 143


New committee assignments include:

•  Jackie Baker will work with Jane Ettelson on the 199er tournaments.

•  Carole Benkelmann will take care of caddies and work with Suzi Shymanski Moore on Hospitality.

•  Debbie Romero will do publicity.

•  Bill Bunn will handle the Braggin rights event

•  Carl Clyne will take care of the bidding boxes.

•  Bobby Riggs will be the photographer.

•  Jennifer Luner is the new web master.


A. Awards/Nominating/Club Liaison

No report.

  1. Charity/Hospitality/Caddies

No Report

  1. Education

No report

  1. Membership
Via e-mail, Steve Zenk reported a net gain of 17 members. This gain includes 11 new members. Membership count stands at 1088.

E. Website

Suzi Shymanski Moore proposed the Board to approve any major change to website format and/or categories. Suzi would approve any content update to the website. She wants to develop standards for website content. After some discussion, the board was in agreement.

  1. Publicity

Debbie Romaro will get together with Mike Carman to get postcards out for the January Sectional tournament.

  1. NAP/GNT

Ed Hale reported that Springfield had been notified of all NAP qualifiers. There was no feedback, but apparently the event went well according to several who attended.

  1. 199er Tournament

Jane Ettelson reported rooms have been reserved for the next year's 199er tournaments.

  1. Recording Secretary/Bidding Boxes

No report

  1. Vice President

No Report.

  1. Tournament Chairman

New Business

Jennifer Luner was elected to replace Sheryl Finkenstadt on the Unit 143 Board. Sheryl resigned after the completion of the last unit 143 Board meeting. Old Business None  

Meeting Adjourned at 8:15

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